Month: August 2020
Courses Available for Non-Unpad Students and the General Public
We are happy to announce that there has been great interest from students from various programs at Universitas Padjadjaran and other universities in the online courses which the English Studies Program is offering this semester. We must underline the fact that these courses are those offered on a regular basis to the students of the…
Mengawali Semester Ganjil Tahun Akademik 2020/2021
Semester Ganjil Tahun Akademik 2020/2021 mengharuskan kita memulai tahun akademik baru dan semester baru dengan amengakomodasi situasi pandemi Covid-19. INFORMASI KHUSUS UNTUK ANGKATAN 2020 Mahasiswa baru angkatan 2020 dipersilakan memperhatikan hal-hal berikut agar dapat menjalankan proses pembelajaran sebagai mahasiswa terdaftar di Universitas Padjadjaran. INFORMASI UNTUK ANGKATAN 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, DAN 2019 Untuk memfasilitasi…
Online Courses Offered This September 2020
The English Studies Program at Universitas Padjadjaran beginning in September 2020 is offering courses online for credit to undergraduate students of English from other universities. They may also be taken by students of other programs or disciplines at Universitas Padjadjaran or other universities so long as they fulfill the requirements. Requirements for students of English…