Mohamad Noor Rizal

Office Hours:
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Gedung A Lantai 1

Mohamad Noor Rizal menyelesaikan pendidikan magister di bidang English di Australian National University. Ia memiliki ketertarikan dalam bidang sastra era Viktoria, poskolonialisme, sinematografi, serta perkembangan irisan teknologi dan humaniora.

Mohamad Rizal completed his master’s degree in English at the Australian National University. His research interests are Victorian literature, post-colonialism, cinematography, and the intersection between technology and humanities.


M.A. in English, Australian National University, 2018
S.S. dalam Sastra Inggris, Universitas Padjadjaran, 2012

Publication and Presentation

  • Orange is the new Brown: Colorful Identity in “Breaking Bad” (Feb 2021)
    Southwest Popular/American Culture Association, Albuquerque, NM
  • Indonesian Shakespeare Memes of Hamlet in Digital Culture (Nov 2020)
    Asian Shakespeare Association Conference, Sejong University, Seoul
  • Postcolonial Network Analysis of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness (April 2019)
    English Language and Literature International Conference, Unimus, Semarang
  • The Medium is the Mise-en-Scène: An Analysis of “The Lost ‘I Love Lucy’ Pilot” (Aug 2018)
    American Studies International Conference, UGM, Yogyakarta
  • Media Sovereignty in Indonesia (Sep 2017)
    Woroni, ANU, Canberra