The English Studies Program on the 30th and the 31st of October 2015 is hosting a working meeting of the English Studies Association in Indonesia (ESAI) or Asosiasi Studi Inggris se-Indonesia (ASII) discussing the conditions and setting the direction of research in English studies in Indonesia at the main administrative building on the Jatinangor campus.
Last June 2015 no less than fifty institutions in Indonesia, which provide higher education and carry out research in English studies, including English education, signed the constitution and by-laws of ESAI/ASII. This association aims at building cooperative and collaborative support among its members as well as collective voice in responding to social demands from society and administrative ones from the government in the spirit of mutual betterment. This association also encourage its members to belong to other relevant associations.
Representatives of about forty study programs in English studies and English education will attend to confer with colleagues in the fields of linguistics, literary studies, cultural studies, and language teaching.