February-August 2023 Experiential Learning Opportunities

For the coming February-August Semester of the 2022/2023 Academic Year, students will have the following opportunities for experiential learning. Students must consult with their respective academic advisors (dosen wali), and include the experiential courses in their study contract (KRS) for the semester. The schedule for common study consultations with academic advisors can be found HERE.


Students must have an acceptance letter from the place of work or approval from the supervising instructor.

  • Internship (Small-scale/3 credit-hours):
    • Class A: Language Center Assistants (Supervising Instructor: Lestari Manggong)
    • Class B: Internal Media Content Creation Interns (Supervising Instructor: Randy Ridwansyah)
    • Class C: Independent External Internships (Supervising Instructor: Kriswanda Krishnapatria)
  • Internship M (Mid-scale/6 credit-hours)
    • Class A: Internal Media Content Creation Interns (Supervising Instructor: Sandya Maulana)
    • Class B: External Internships (Supervising Instructor: Ari J. Adipurwawidjana)
  • Internship L (Large-scale/8 credit-hours)
  • Internship F (Full-scale/20 credit-hours)


Students must obtain approval from the researcher.

  • Research Assistantship (Small-scale/3 credit-hours)
    • Class A: Dinamika Konstruksi Perempuan dalam Korpus Majalah Manglé (1958-2021) (Researcher: Susi Yuliawati)
    • Class B: Research on Tenses (Researcher: Sutiono Mahdi)
    • Class C: K-Pop in Digital Culture; Postmodernist View on K-Dramas (Researcher: Lestari Manggong)
    • Class D: Suicide Notes in The Digital Public Sphere: Last Call for Help? (Researcher: Kriswanda Krishnapatria)
    • Class E: Writing Women: Women Writing (Researcher: Aquarini Priyatna)
    • Class F: Pragmatic Study of Information on the @karier.unpad Instagram Account (Researcher: Rosaria Mita Amalia)
    • Class G: Peran Linguistik dan Budaya Lokal dalam Pariwisata; SFL and Texts in Tourism (Researcher: Eva Tuckyta Sari Sujatna)


Students must (1) have a minimum GPA (IPK) of 3.51; (2) have taken and received an A for the course; and, obtain the approval of the instructor of the course.

  • Teaching Assistantship (Small-scale/3 credit-hours)
    • Class A: Corpus Linguistics (Instructor: Susi Yuliawati)
    • Class B: Creating Digital Learning Materials (Instructors: Sandya Maulana and Randy Ridwansyah)
    • Class C: general course management (Instructor: Aquarini Priyatna)
  • Teaching Assistantship M (Mid-scale/6 credit-hours)
    • Class A: Children’s and Young Adult Literature (Instructor: Ida F. Sachmadi)

Students may also take the opportunity to take courses in other universities through the following schemes.

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